Monday, February 3, 2014

Conservatives in France are just like the ones in the United States

French conservatives are taking cues from American conservatives in their stances regarding social issues. By galvanizing the religious right, French conservatives are able to consolidate and mobilize their party members in pushing for conservative policies. This puts the French conservatives, the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), in a position in which they are following the American Republican intolerance. In this particular blog post, French conservatives are marching in Paris yelling "Jews, get out." The UMP is not only known as anti-Semitic, but also anti-gay marriage. The UMP is very influential in a sense that they were able to become the main conservative party in France in the past few years. Their influence has moved French politics to the far right, just like the Tea Party takeover in 2010 in the US.

1 comment:

  1. France also has a problem with politicians not working together just like the US. The UMP has problems with Frances high tax on businesses, and with the economical issues that face the country this also turns people into bad apples. The greatest problem is if the UMP comes into power and makes the country into a radical right wing extremist country. Another, problem is that their constitution can be broken down and replaced that is a difficult system to work with.
