Monday, March 24, 2014

Asian Economic Race: India and China

The complicated relationship of India and China is highlighted by their economic ties with each other. Both countries are considered as Newly Industrialized Economies marked with their large economic growth rate and booming population. Although both countries are competitors in the global free market, they share the same interests that serve their individual needs. India and China have a historical strenuous relationship over Tibet and Pakistan.

India condemned China for its military takeover of Tibet and its support for the nuclear program of Pakistan. But inside global capitalism, the market economy dictates their cooperation both economically and militarily. Despite international policy friction between the two regions, both countries have no other choice but to cooperate in order to compete and gain an edge over their Western counterparts.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Corruption abound in a single-party state

The most crippling aspect of Chinese economic growth and liberalization is the corruption of politicians. This short 30 minute documentary discusses this corruption and how deep it runs in the bureaucratic system of the single-party state and a centrally-planned economy.

Corruption is so bad that the current president Xi Jinping is launching the largest anti-corruption campaign the country has seen.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Footage you will never see on the news

With the recent developments during the protests and political instability in Ukraine, Russia decided to take a step in imposing its political will on the Crimean Peninsula. Russia sent troops to Crimea in order to restore political stability. The issue at hand is that Russia is interfering with the sovereignty of Ukraine over the region. The Crimean Peninsula has a lot of ethnic Russians because it used to be a part of the Soviet Union until it the area was given to Ukraine as a gift in 1953. Now with Russian troops in the region, the Russians are planning on annexing the region through a referendum.

Now, check out this short documentary from VICE about Ukraine:

And about the Russian invasion: